Student Forever
So I heard of another friend that is graduating with a professional degree post-undergrad. I am beggining to think that I will be a student forever!!!! Is there hope in sight? I have a feeling I might have been trying to be an overachiever when I decided to do this PhD thing. I mean what am I going to do with a PhD? People are just going to expect more and more from me. I just want to be lazy. What's wrong with being lazy. I don't want to think. Really I think I might enjoy working at Mc. Donalds, hey at least I would get really really cheap food instead of just cheap food. I am tired and my brain hurts and I am beginning to think that Ross and I might make the record for the oldest peole ever to have children. We keep saying that we are waiting till I finish school, but I don't know if I will ever finish. The end of the tunnel is no where in sight. I do not see the light. Well I guess that's all my envy of other people starting their lives while I am stuck being a forever student!