The Adventures of Leela

Friday, July 25, 2008

Women in Science

After last weekend I realized that I don't really understand people when they tell me there is a shortage of women in science. I don't know where the shortage is...must be in math, physics, engineering. I am surrounded by a lab full of smart intelligent women. My buddy/spouse/li/git/g, SuSien just had a summer student who reminded me of that. She thanked us for all our help at the end of her presentation and said that she was privileged to work with such nice intelligent and funny women. I have always been surrounded by women in science since I was very young. In elementary school I had a couple of female teachers who ran the outdoor science lab and encouraged me/the class to participate in extra science projects. In middle school I had a female science teacher who forced me to learn about Carolus Linnaeus by singing his name aloud to help us remember the dear father of taxonomy. In high school I had a wonderful female mentor who helped me to go far in the science fair and learn many things about biology. I also had another female teacher who taught me biology and other life lessons in high school. Then when I went to undergraduate at Manchester I had a couple of great female chemists to help me along the way. Now do not get me wrong my study/love/hate of science has been influenced by male scientists along the way I even work for one now, but I am just noting that I have not seen a shortage of great women scientists. I currently work in a lab of all females-my boss and the lab pretty much started all female and for the most part has remained all female. So Hooray for Madame Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Nettie Stevens and the like paving the way!!! Women in science are here!!!!!


Blogger ssien said...

I concur *nods solemnly*, but I do think that there are plenty women in life science, and not enough in physical sciences. Give us somemore time, we'll expand our grip to that area...soon...soon

8:31 PM  

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